Commonly known as Sydney Blue Gum, this beautiful red timber has a fantastic grain. It is also easy to work, dress and fix. It responds well to most finishes and takes a good polish, making it popular for decorative applications where moderate durability is required.

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You’ve seen the environmental protests and heard misinformed media reports about native forestry in NSW. The truth is, only 0.3% of trees in NSW State Forests are harvested each year and 88% of public native forest is already protected. Yet we’ve reached the point where the future of the industry in NSW is in doubt and people’s livelihoods are in danger.

Our business relies on the supply of sustainably harvested NSW timber. But there’s a real risk New South Wales will follow Victoria and Western Australia in stopping timber production from NSW State forests. The NSW Government may ban native forestry. This would cripple timber supply and wipe out most of the $2.9B the industry contributes to the NSW economy each year. It will also dramatically increase the wildfire risk.

We know that the current extreme protest activity does not represent the views of ordinary Australians. It’s causing major disruption to our industry. Almost three quarters (72%) of Australians agree that the timber industry is legitimate (Stollznow Research 2023).

So – what’s the truth about native forestry?

Here are some key facts:


What about the koalas?

The real threats to koalas are bushfires, urban development and traffic, as well as predators and disease. The timber industry supports the protection of koalas and biodiversity.

NSW State Forests are already managed to balance these multiple activities. We know we can protect koalas and timber jobs and ensure a reliable timber supply chain.

“An analysis of recent trends in Koala occupancy in hinterland forests of north-eastern NSW, where surveys targeted their habitat and were based on recordings of Koala calls, provided greater precision and higher estimates of occupancy (averaging 68% ± 7%). This recent trend shows a stable meta-population over the last 5 years, including after fires burnt 30% of Koala habitat in 2019.”

–  NSW DPI Principal Research Scientist, Dr Brad Law

What happens now?

The NSW timber industry has made a joint public submission to the NSW Premier, Chris Minns and key Ministers in support of native forestry in New South Wales.

You can read our submission here. In essence the submission makes three key points:

  • Native Forestry is Essential: The idea of stopping native forestry and ‘transitioning’ to hardwood plantations is completely unworkable. It’s also unnecessary, because the alleged biodiversity, tourism and climate change benefits of a ban do not exist.
  • Recognise the 21st Century Potential of Timber: Australia is the sixth most forested nation on earth. We already have best-practice forestry regulation. There is huge potential for the NSW timber industry to meet the growing demand for a sustainable, renewable, recyclable resource like timber. We need to realise this potential.
  • Educate & Inform People About How Forestry Works: Native forestry is a legitimate Government activity. It’s undertaken by the government-owned Forestry Corporation. We need the NSW Government to stand up to the lies and misinformation that are disrupting our industry.

Do We Have Your Support?

Let’s work together to keep the industry open. I’m asking you to add your voices to our campaign by contacting the NSW Premier Chris Minns and key members of his Cabinet. They need to hear from us now about what is at stake.

It’s easy. You can join the campaign at, where you’ll find campaign resources to add your voice.

The timber industry has important new roles to play in the 21st century, but it remains at the heart of our communities.

Don’t let this happen in NSW


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